Zimpler releases ESG report for 2022

Stockholm, 21 June 2023 – Zimpler, a fintech company providing tailored solutions for safe and instant account-to-account (A2A) payment solutions, has released its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report for 2022. Johan Strand, CEO at Zimpler said: “This is Zimpler’s first ESG report. As a responsible company, Zimpler regularly assesses how we manage in addressing environmental and…

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Stockholm, 21 June 2023 – Zimpler, a fintech company providing tailored solutions for safe and instant account-to-account (A2A) payment solutions, has released its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report for 2022.

Johan Strand, CEO at Zimpler said: “This is Zimpler’s first ESG report. As a responsible company, Zimpler regularly assesses how we manage in addressing environmental and social priorities, while building long-term value for customers, employees and investors. Our impacts, positive and negative, inside and outside of our company, have scaled and need extra close attention.”

The report provides information on Zimpler’s commitments and impact in fields such as travels, energy use in our offices and products, eWaste and waste recycling. However, it also covers the fields where Zimpler can make the strongest impact:

  • Responsible use: Zimpler’s solutions are often used by companies offering igaming services. We therefore do everything in our power to restrict addictive use of these services. In 2022, our customer support team was able to offer users the ability to be blocked from our services, and we’re researching other innovative ways to support. We collaborate on academic research around responsible use.
  • Diversity: In the spring of 2022, we counted at least 24 different native languages across all offices. We have a dedicated Diversity Manager to promote diversity and inclusion in our hiring, internal and business practices. We also co-organised networking events for women in the tech industry. We further grew our relationships with Mitt Livs Val and Jobbsprånget, two Swedish organisations that help recently immigrated people to join the workforce.
  • Equal opportunities: Zimpler has made a dedication to strengthen governance and monitoring. The process of our talent acquisition team has been revised to account for potential bias traps. We established an internal promotions guideline and a job shadowing program that helps to develop current Zimplers both within their role but also to expand into other areas.

Zimpler’s ESG report 2022 can be found here.


For more information:

Erik Zsiga, Head of Communications, Zimpler

+46 (0) 76 563 46 33 | press@zimpler.com

About Zimpler

Zimpler was founded in Sweden in 2012 and is providing tailored solutions for safe and instant account-to-account payments, for both B2C and B2B. From offices in Sweden, Malta and Brazil, Zimpler’s solutions are live across Europe and Latin America with ambitious expansion plans ahead. With the sight set on the global stage, Zimpler is on a mission to be the universal way to pay and get paid.